*A gerund(danh động từ) is the –ing form of a verb used as a noun. A gerund is
used in the same way as a noun… as a subject (chủ ngữ) or an object (tân ngữ)
S+ V + V-ing (Gerund)
admit (thừa nhận), advise; avoid; complete, consider (xem xét); delay (hoãn lại);
deny (từ chối); dislike, discuss, enjoy , finish, forget , can’t help (không thể không),
keep, mention, mind, miss, postpone (hoãn lại), practice, quit (bỏ, ngưng)
recommend, regret, remember, stop, suggest, understand , feel like
GO + V-ing (Gerund)
boating (đi bơi thuyền) ; hiking (đi bộ đường dài); sightseeing (đi tham quan);
camping; hunting (đi săn); jogging ; skiing (đi trượt tuyết);
running ;mountain-climbing ; fishing; sailing; shopping; swimming; skating (đi
trượt băng) ….
VERB + INFINITIVE OR GERUND ( with no difference in meaning)
begin ; like ; hate ; start ; love ; can’t stand ; continue ; prefer …
VERB + INFINITIVE OR GERUND ( with a difference in
remember ; regret (tiếc) ; forget ; try (infinitive :cố gắng / gerund : thử )
S+ V + To-infinitive
afford (có đủ khả năng);agree; appear ;arrange ; ask ;beg (cầu xin); care ; demand
(đòi hỏi); decide, expect (mong đợi) ; fail (thất bại); forget, hope; learn; intend,
need, manage (xoay xở); mean; offer (muốn, đề nghị); plan ; prepare ; promise
(hứa); refuse (từ chối); regret ; remember, seem ; swear (thề), tend (khuynh
hướng), volunteer, wait ; want, wish
S +V+O + To-Infinitive
advise ; allow; ask ; beg ; cause (gây ra); encourage (động viên); expect ; force
(buộc) hire invite ; need ; order (ra lệnh) ; permit ; persuade (thuyết phục); remind
(nhắc nhở); require (yêu cầu) ; teach ; tell; urge (thúc giục); want ; warn (cảnh báo),
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