Hang Out 6 Student Book Answer Key.pdf

Không thẻ bỏ qua các nhóm để nhận nhiều tài liệu hay 1. Ngữ văn THPT 2. Giáo viên tiếng anh THCS 3. Giáo viên lịch sử 4. Giáo viên hóa học 5. Giáo viên Toán THCS 6. Giáo viên tiểu học 7. Giáo viên ngữ văn THCS 8. Giáo viên tiếng anh tiểu học 9. Giáo viên vật lí 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐮𝐭 (𝟏-𝟔) Bộ sách "Hang Out 1,2,3,4,5,6" (audio) là một giáo trình được thiết kế đầy đủ 4 kĩ năng nghe nói đọc viết, hình ảnh chibi sinh động, bắt mắt. Thông qua các hình minh họa sinh động, đọc thực tế và truyện tranh hấp dẫn, học sinh theo dõi một gia đình nhân vật trong cuộc sống hàng ngày, xây dựng kiến ​​thức về từ vựng tần số cao, cấu trúc ngữ pháp phổ biến, cách diễn đạt hữu ích và nội dung ngoại khóa..Xem trọn bộ Bộ sách "Hang Out 1,2,3,4,5,6 có audio. Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 150k hoặc 250K để sử dụng toàn bộ kho tài liệu, vui lòng liên hệ qua Zalo 0388202311 hoặc Fb: Hương Trần.


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Hang Out 6 Student Book Answer Key.pdf Hang Out 6 Student Book Answer Key.pdf Không thẻ bỏ qua các nhóm để nhận nhiều tài liệu hay 1. <a href=" https://www.facebook.com/groups/nguvanthpt"> Ngữ văn THPT</a> 2. <a href=" https://www.facebook.com/groups/1724106424449223"> Giáo viên tiếng anh THCS</a> 3. <a href=" https://www.facebook.com/groups/1254374068344573"> Giáo viên lịch sử</a> 4. <a href=" https://www.facebook.com/groups/904303287128073"> Giáo viên hóa học</a> 5. <a href=" https://www.facebook.com/groups/599826417686581"> Giáo viên Toán THCS</a> 6. <a href=" https://www.facebook.com/groups/387426359546436"> Giáo viên tiểu học</a> 7. <a href=" https://www.facebook.com/groups/376928290754719"> Giáo viên ngữ văn THCS</a> 8. <a href=" https://www.facebook.com/groups/338944874680436"> Giáo viên tiếng anh tiểu học</a> 9. <a href=" https://www.facebook.com/groups/251971616945331"> Giáo viên vật lí</a> 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐮𝐭 (𝟏-𝟔) Bộ sách "Hang Out 1,2,3,4,5,6" (audio) là một giáo trình được thiết kế đầy đủ 4 kĩ năng nghe nói đọc viết, hình ảnh chibi sinh động, bắt mắt. Thông qua các hình minh họa sinh động, đọc thực tế và truyện tranh hấp dẫn, học sinh theo dõi một gia đình nhân vật trong cuộc sống hàng ngày, xây dựng kiến ​​thức về từ vựng tần số cao, cấu trúc ngữ pháp phổ biến, cách diễn đạt hữu ích và nội dung ngoại khóa..Xem trọn bộ <a href="https://giaoanxanh.com/tai-lieu/tai-tron-bo-sach-hang-out-123456-co-audio"> Bộ sách "Hang Out 1,2,3,4,5,6 có audio</a>. Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 150k hoặc 250K để sử dụng toàn bộ kho tài liệu, vui lòng liên hệ qua Zalo 0388202311 hoặc <a href="https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100073267241950">Fb: Hương Trần</a>.
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Mô tả

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing


Hang Out

Student Book 6

Welcome Unit


1. d. Jenny

2. b. Daniel

3. a. Li

4. c. Mateo

5. e. Nadir


1. e

2. a

3. b

4. g

5. c

6. d

7. f


1. 1674

2. 1810

3. 1951

4. 2001

5. 2012


1. once a week / once a day

2. five times a week

3. twice a year

4. three times a month


1. c

2. b

3. f

4. d

5. a

6. e


1. Yes

2. No

3. Yes

4. No

Unit 1

Lesson 1


a. pollution

b. clean air

c. endangered animals

d. garbage cans

e. traffic jam

f. noise

g. litter

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

h. green areas


(possible answers)

1. There is too much pollution.

2. There are too many traffic jams.

3. There is not enough clean air.

4. There are not enough garbage cans.

5. There are too many endangered animals.

6. There is too much litter.

7. There is too much noise.

8. There are not enough green areas.

Lesson 2



1. b

2. No

3. exercise and get fit

4. there are not enough green areas


(answers will vary)

Lesson 3



1. b. It’s smelly.

2. c. There’s too much litter.

3. a. pick up the litter



1. b

2. f

3. c

4. g

5. d

6. h

7. e

8. a


1. There are too many traffic jams.


could ride bikes.

2. There is too much air pollution.


could take public transportation.

3. There is too much litter.

We could


4. There are not enough garbage cans.

We could write a letter.

5. There are not enough green areas.

We could plant trees.

6. There are too many endangered animals.

We could start a campaign.

Lesson 4


Q. What is the World Wide Fund for Nature?

A. The World Wide Fund for Nature is an

organization that works to protect the


Q. How do humans affect animals’ lives?

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

A. Humans are destroying animals’ homes

to make way for buildings. Pollution and

hunting can cause animals to be

endangered, too.

Q. What are three ways people could help?

A. teach our family and friends about

endangered animals / write letters to our

local newspapers or politicians / pick up

litter when we see it / turn off lights when we

leave a room / recycle


1. c

2. c

3. a


Lesson 5



Dear Newspaper Editor:

Everyone knows there are too many traffic

jams in our city. It’s a big problem.

Driving in the city is very slow because so

many people drive cars. There is a traffic

jam every day, and it takes my dad one

hour to drive to work. He is very frustrated.

There is also too much pollution because of

the traffic jams. We need to fix this problem.

There are many solutions. First, people

could take public transportation. There are a

lot of buses in the city. And the subway is

convenient and fast. Second, people could

ride bikes. Biking is an efficient way to get

around, and you get to exercise at the same


I hope the town hall can do something fast

to solve this problem. We will live in a

healthier environment if there are fewer

traffic jams.



Unit 2

Lesson 1


a. underwater

b. planet

c. jetpack

d. flying car

e. moon

f. space elevator

g. space

h. rocket


(possible answers)

1. We will live on the moon.

2. We will travel by flying car.

3. We will live in space.

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

4. We will live on another planet.

5. We will live underwater.

6. We will travel by rocket.

7. We will travel by jetpack.

8. We will travel by space elevator.

Lesson 2



1. a

2. a model rocket and a model flying car

3. $33.00

4. June 20, 2016


(answers will vary)

Lesson 3



1. a. a robot

2. b. Basketball Robot

3. b. play basketball



1. e

2. b

3. g

4. h

5. c

6. a

7. d

8. f


1. Will we live in very tall towers in 20


Yes, we will.

2. Will we fly drones in 5 years?

Yes, we


3. Will we use holograms in 10 years?

No, we won’t.

4. Will we charge our cars in 15 years?

Yes, we will.

5. Will we own robots in 25 years?


we will.

6. Will we work from home in 30 years?

No, we won’t.

Lesson 4


Q. What is Google Glass?

A. a new hands-free computer

Q. How does Google Glass show


A. The information is displayed right in the


Q. How do surgeons use Google Glass?

A. Surgeons can use Google Glass to

search for information while operating on


Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing


1. a

2. c

3. c


How is Google

Glass controlled?

by a user’s voice

and a touchpad

Name three things

Google Glass can


search the Internet,

take pictures, and

provide information

about the weather

or traffic conditions

Can anyone buy

Google Glass?

No, they are not

available to the


Name two

professions that

use Google Glass.

surgeons and


Lesson 5



This is what I think the future will be like.

People will live in space. I think we will live

on the planet Mars. It’s the closest planet to

Earth, and scientists already know a lot

about it. We will travel in rockets because

space is so big, and rockets can travel very

fast. We will travel to Earth for vacation. In

our free time, we will play with robots. Every

family will own a robot.

What other inventions will there be? I think

we will have flying cars that drive

themselves. Instead of going to the movies,

we will watch holograms. We will have

robots that clean the house. This is what I

really want because I don’t like to do


Unit 3

Lesson 1


a. cement

b. microscope

c. light bulb

d. thermometer

e. elevator

f. seat belt

g. compass

h. telephone


(possible answers)

1. The light bulb was invented by Thomas


2. The compass was invented by the

Chinese Han Dynasty.

3. The thermometer was invented by

Santorio Santorio.

4. The telephone was invented by

Alexander Graham Bell.

5. The seat belt was invented by Nils Bohlin.

6. The microscope was invented by

Zacharias Janssen.

7. Cement was invented by Joseph Aspdin.

8. The elevator was invented by Elisha Otis.

Lesson 2



1. b

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

2. mountains and deserts

3. Elisha Otis

4. the microscope



Question 1: Who invented the TV?

Answer 1: The TV was invented by John

Logie Baird.

Question 2: Who invented the laptop?

Answer 2: The laptop was invented by

Adam Osborne.

Question 3: Who invented the airplane?

Answer 3: The airplane was invented by the

Wright brothers.

Question 4: Who invented the car?

Answer 4: The car was invented by Karl


Lesson 3



1. c. China

2. c. her compass

3. b. the park



1. g

2. c

3. e

4. a

5. d

6. h

7. b

8. f


1. When was oxygen discovered?

It was

discovered in 1772.

2. When was Pluto discovered?

It was

discovered in 1930.

3. When were X-rays discovered?


were discovered in 1895.

4. When was the Empire State Building


It was built in 1931.

5. When was the Taj Mahal built?

It was

built in 1643.

6. When was the Golden Gate Bridge built?

It was built in 1937.

Lesson 4


Q. How did people travel before modern

transportation came?

A. Long ago, people had to walk or use

wagons before more modern types of

transportation were invented.

Q. What is a different name for a car?

A. Automobiles, more commonly known as

cars, are everywhere.

Q. When was the first successful airplane


Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

A. Finally, in the early 1900s, two brothers

named Orville and Wilbur Wright became

the first to successfully build and fly an



1. c

2. c

3. a






Karl Benz












1961, 1969

A fact




in many


can travel

500 miles

per hour





to the


Lesson 5



A very important invention is the digital

camera. It was invented by Steven Sasson

in the 1970s. He worked for Eastman

Kodak, a company that made cameras and

other camera equipment. Pictures you take

with a digital camera can be put on to the

computer. Digital cameras are very popular

today. Most smartphones even have digital

cameras built in to them.

An amazing structure is Angkor Wat in

Cambodia, a country in Southeast Asia. It

was built by King Suryavarman II of the

Khmer Empire. Angkor Wat is very old. It

was built in the 1100s. There are many

temples close to Angkor Wat, and it is a

popular location for tourists to visit.

Review 1


1. pollution

2. litter

3. elevator

4. microscope

5. recycle

6. moon

7. space

8. rocket

9. compass


1. b

2. a

3. a

4. b


1. many


Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

2. is


3. is


4. lives


5. writing


6. building



1. telephone

2. drones

3. power

4. planting

5. pollution

6. Empire State Building

b. A Day Out with the School


(some answers may vary slightly)

1. We will travel by jetpack.

2. There is too much noise.

3. The first microscope was invented by

Zacharias Janssen.

4. Will we use holograms? Yes, we will.

5. We could hold a town hall meeting.

6. When was gravity discovered?

8. We will travel by flying cars.

9. There are too many cars.

10. Cement was invented by Joseph


11. Will we work from home? No, we won’t.

12. We could take public transportation.

13. When was the Golden Gate Bridge


15. We will live on other planets.

16. There is not enough clean air.

17. The modern elevator was invented by

Elisha Otis in 1852.

19. Will we own robots? Yes, we will.

20. We could ride bikes.

22. When was the digital camera invented?

Unit 4

Lesson 1


a. run the hurdles

b. lose an event

c. win a prize

d. do the long jump

e. run a marathon

f. take part in a competition

g. do the high jump

h. tie a race


(possible answers)

1. I have taken part in a competition.

2. I have never won a prize.

3. I have lost an event.

4. I have never tied a race.

5. I have done the long jump.

6. I have never done the high jump.

7. I have run a marathon.

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

8. I have never run the hurdles.

Lesson 2



1. c

2. the boys’ long jump

3. 21.3 seconds

4. Mr. Evans


(answers will vary)

Lesson 3



1. a. They have a race.

2. c. competed in a race

3. c. run fast



1. f

2. b

3. d

4. h

5. c

6. a

7. e

8. g


1. Have you ever competed in a relay


No, I have never competed

in a relay competition.

2. Have you ever played rugby?

Yes, I

have played rugby once.

3. Have you ever competed in a shot put


No, I have never completed

in a shot put competition.

4. Have you ever competed in a pole vault


Yes, I have competed in a

pole vault competition twice.

5. Have you ever played handball?

No, I

have never played handball.

6. Have you ever played badminton?

Yes, I have played badminton three times.

Lesson 4


Q. When were the first Olympics?

A. The oldest event dates back to 776 BCE

and was held at the first Olympics in


Q. Where did track and field events become

popular in the 19th century?

A. In the 19th century, the events became

popular again in Britain.

Q. What is a track?

A. The track is a round path with boundary

lines, called lanes.

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing


1. a

2. b

3. c


Where were the first

Olympics held?


Which society

continued the

tradition of the

Olympic Games until

394 CE?

The Romans

Name two throwing


discus and shot put

Where are the hurdles


on a track

Lesson 5



My favorite sport is track and field. I love

watching the Olympics every four years. I

always watch all of the track and field

events. I think the best event is the relay. I

also like to take part in track and field

competitions. I have taken part in many

competitions. But, I’m not very good. I have

never won a prize.

I have competed in a marathon once.

Running marathons is very difficult. I have

also competed in shot put and javelin

events. I have never taken part in a pole

vault competition, though. I also like trying

other sports. I have played handball and

badminton. I have also played field hockey

once. I have never played rugby, though. It

looks very dangerous.

Unit 5

Lesson 1


a. ride a ferry

b. stay at a campsite

c. comfortable

d. take a cab

e. fly in a jet

f. enjoyable

g. stay at a resort

h. take public transportation


(possible answers)

1. Taking a cab is more comfortable than

taking public transportation.

2. Flying in a jet is more enjoyable than

riding a ferry.

3. Staying at a campsite is more interesting

than staying at a resort.

4. Flying in a jet is more expensive than

taking a cab.

5. Riding a ferry is more exciting than taking

public transportation.

Lesson 2



1. c

2. Manila: The Green Palm Resort

3. on the beach

4. riding the ferry

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing


(answers will vary)

Lesson 3



1. b. Hawaii

2. c. It’s dangerous.

3. c. It’s not as exciting as cliff diving.



1. g

2. c

3. e

4. b

5. f

6. a

7. h

8. d


1. Is visiting ruins more amazing than going

whale watching?

No, visiting ruins is not

as amazing as going whale watching.

2. Is going windsurfing more dangerous

than going snorkeling?

Going windsurfing

is as dangerous as going snorkeling.

3. Is going cliff diving more exciting than

watching lightning?

No, going cliff diving

is not as exciting as watching lightning.

4. Is watching lightning more enjoyable than

going whale watching?


lightning is as enjoyable as going whale


5. Is going cliff diving more interesting than

going windsurfing?

No, going cliff diving

is not as interesting as going windsurfing.

6. Is visiting ruins more amazing than going


Visiting ruins is as amazing

as going snorkeling.

Lesson 4


Q. Where is Machu Picchu?

A. High in the hilltops of Peru

Q. How old is the Great Wall of China?

A. It is more than 1,000 years old and is still

standing today.

Q. What can you do at the Galapagos


A. You can walk right up to the birds and

they won’t fly away.


1. a

2. c

3. a

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing






Wall of








the Pacific


Why is it


Its stone


are fit




The entire

wall is







there aren’t

afraid of


How to

reach /

see it?

by walking

by jet

by boat

Lesson 5



I love visiting new places. There are so

many ways to travel. You can take a car or

you can take a jet. I like flying in jets. Flying

in a jet is more comfortable than riding a

car. If you visit a place on the water, you

can ride a ferry. There are many places to

stay as well. You can stay at a campsite or

you can stay at a hotel. I often stay at

campsites. Staying at a hotel is more

expensive than staying at a campsite.

There are many fun things to do on

vacation. You can go cliff diving or you can

go windsurfing. I would rather go

windsurfing. Cliff diving is more dangerous

than windsurfing. I like to go whale

watching, too. Whale watching isn’t as

exciting as cliff diving, though.

Unit 6

Lesson 1


a. cheer

b. film the game

c. warm up

d. do an interview

e. celebrate

f. discuss a plan

g. take a break

h. receive a trophy


(possible answers)

1. She was filming the game at 2:30 p.m.

2. They were celebrating at 4 p.m.

3. He was warming up at 2 p.m.

4. They were discussing a plan at 2:15 p.m.

5. They were cheering at 2:45 p.m.

6. She was doing an interview at 3 p.m.

7. She was taking a break at 3 p.m.

8. She was receiving a trophy at 3:45 p.m.

Lesson 2



1. a

2. Tall Trees Lions

3. warming up

4. 3 p.m.


(answers will vary)

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

Lesson 3



1. a. He played soccer.

2. b. filming

3. b. a small girl



1. d

2. b

3. g

4. a

5. f

6. e

7. h

8. c


1. The player was running when the referee

blew the whistle.

2. The team was losing when the coach


3. The player was running when the crowd


4. The team was winning when the player


5. The crowd was clapping when the referee

blew the whistle.

6. The coach was screaming when the

player slipped.

Lesson 4


Q. How many players are there on a

quidditch team?

A. A game is played with seven players on

each team.

Q. Where are many chess boxing

competitions held?

A. Many competitions are held in Europe


Q. What is another name for underwater


A. The sport is also known as Octopush.


1. a

2. c

3. b


(suggested answers)

Chess boxing

Underwater hockey

1. a mixture of two


1. played in a

swimming pool

2. each sport

played in turn

2. also known as


3. created by Iepe


3. Canada hosted

the first-ever


Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

Lesson 5



It was a really exciting match. Our team

was playing against last year’s champion.

We arrived early. We were warming up at

7:00 p.m. The game started at 8:00. We

were shooting a lot but not scoring much.

At half time, we were losing badly. We were

taking a break when our coach discussed a

new plan. We began to score quickly in the

second half but still losing. With seconds

left of the match, I was shooting when a

player pushed me, and I slipped. The

referee blew the whistle. I got a free throw.

The crowd cheered wildly. The ball was

flying to the basket when the horn sounded.

We celebrated for losing by only one point.

Review 2



5. relay

7. handball

8. celebrate

9. comfortable


1. cheer

2. film

3. badminton

4. enjoyable

6. dangerous


1. a

2. b

3. a

4. b


1. ever


2. Go


3. were


4. compete


5. than


6. lost



1. No

2. No

3. Yes

4. No

5. Yes

6. No


(some answers may vary slightly)

1. We have run a marathon.

2. Staying at a campsite is more enjoyable

than staying at a resort.

4. Riding a ferry is as interesting as flying in

a jet.

5. I have done the high jump twice.

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

6. Visiting ruins is more interesting than

going snorkeling.

7. She was doing an interview at 10 a.m.

8. The crowd was cheering when the player


9. I have never played field hockey.

10. They were celebrating at 9 p.m.

11. Going snorkeling is not as amazing as

whale watching.

12. He has never lost an event.

13. We were winning when the referee blew

the whistle.

15. Going whale watching is more exciting

than going cliff diving.

16. I have done the long jump.

17. I was discussing a plan at 6 p.m.

19. Staying at a campsite is not as

comfortable as staying at a resort.

21. My brother has won the pole vault six


22. They were taking a break when the

coach screamed.

Unit 7

Lesson 1


a. clean up beaches

b. hold bake sales

c. organize food drives

d. collect money

e. help the homeless

f. visit elderly people

g. donate clothes

h. volunteer at an animal shelter


(possible answers)

1. I donate clothes. / She said that she

donated clothes.

2. I don't hold bake sales. / She said that

she didn't hold bake sales.

3. I organize food drives. / She said that she

organized food drives.

4. I don't help the homeless. / She said that

she didn't help the homeless.

5. I visit elderly people. / She said that she

visited the elderly.

6. I don't volunteer at an animal shelter. /

She said that she didn't volunteer at an

animal shelter.

7. I clean up beaches. / She said that she

cleaned up beaches.

8. I don't collect money. / She said that she

didn't collect money.

Lesson 2



1. c

2. hold a bake sale

3. volunteered at an animal shelter

4. Ryan


(answers will vary)

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

Lesson 3



1. c. Brian’s competition

2. a. He had qualified for a contest.

3. b. a hot dog eating contest



1. a

2. c

3. f

4. h

5. d

6. b

7. g

8. e


1. I changed a tire this morning.

He said

that he had changed a tire this morning.

2. I put up a picture two days ago.


said that he had put up a picture two days


3. I lent a textbook yesterday.

He said

that he had lent a textbook yesterday.

4. I shoveled snow last winter.

He said

that he had shoveled snow last winter.

5. I washed a car last weekend.

He said

that he had washed a car last weekend.

6. I carried bags last week.

He said that

he had carried bags last week.

Lesson 4


Q. What does Stella enjoy about living in an

urban community?

A. She enjoys taking the subway and living

in a place with so much to do.

Q. Where do Kim and Robert like to visit?

A. They said that they went to the park


Q. What does Sam enjoy doing at night?

A. Sam said he liked to look at the stars.


1. c

2. b

3. a








People live

close together

in smaller


Most residents

need to have a

car to get to


They are in the



residents walk

or take public


Houses are

bigger and

have yards.

Many farms

are in rural


Lesson 5



My partner Mary really likes to help out in

her community. She said that she cleaned

up the beach every weekend with her

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

family. She said there was always a lot of

trash there. She also said that she

volunteered at an animal shelter every

month. She said that she loved animals. At

the animal shelter, she looks after sick

animals and feeds them.

Mary also said that she liked to help her

neighbors. She said that she had washed

her next-door neighbors’ car for them last

weekend. The neighbors were busy

preparing for a charity bake sale. She also

said that she had helped some of the elderly

neighbors on her street last winter. It was a

very cold winter with a lot of snow. Mary

said she had shoveled snow from their


I think Mary is a kind and helpful person.

Unit 8

Lesson 1


a. spill

b. trip

c. smash

d. drop

e. break

f. lose

g. knock over

h. find


(possible answers)

1. I spilled my juice yesterday. / I have just

spilled my juice.

2. He smashed a window last week. / He

has just smashed a window.

3. They knocked over a glass last night. /

They have just knocked over a glass.

4. He lost his wallet yesterday. / He has just

lost his wallet.

5. She found the remote control this

morning. / She has just found the remote


6. He tripped over the dog last week. / He

has just tripped over the dog.

7. She dropped a bowl last night. / She has

just dropped a bowl.

8. She broke her phone yesterday. / She

has just broken her phone.

Lesson 2



1. c

2. dropped plates on the floor

3. spilled it all over one customer

4. tripped on the carpet


(answers will vary)

Lesson 3



1. b. eating

2. a. a puzzle

3. c. three weeks

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing



1. c

2. f

3. a

4. d

5. h

6. e

7. b

8. g


1. How long have you lived in your


I have lived in my apartment

for five years.

2. How long have you played badminton?

I have played badminton for three months.

3. How long have you played the violin?


have played the violin since 2015.

4. How long have you had a pet?

I have

had a pet since January.

5. How long have you been on a diet?


have been on a diet for two weeks.

6. How long have you read novels?


have read novels since 2013.

Lesson 4


Q. Where did J. K. Rowling study?

A. She graduated from the University of


Q. When was the first Harry Potter book


A. The first book in the Harry Potter series.

It was published in 1997.

Q. What has happened since J. K. Rowling

published Harry Potter?

A. Since she published Harry Potter,

Rowling has earned a lot of money and has

won many awards. She has also written

other books since 2012.


1. a

2. b

3. c


Why is J. K. Rowling


She is the author of the

Harry Potter books.

What are some jobs

Rowling has had?

She taught English in

Portugal, and she also

worked as a secretary.

Where has Rowling


She was born and grew

up in England, but she

has also lived in


Write two more facts

about Rowling’s life.

She has three children.

She has earned a lot of

money and has won

many awards.

Lesson 5



My brother always gets into little accidents.

He is not very careful. Last month, when he

was playing soccer in the yard, he kicked

the ball too hard and smashed a window.

Then last week, he dropped his phone and

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

broke it. He wanted to put it in his pocket

but missed. And he has just spilled his

juice. There is juice all over the table.

However, there are many good things about

my brother. He is very sporty, and he likes

to play badminton the most. He has played

badminton for two years. He also likes to

play the violin. He has played the violin

since he was 6 years old, so he is very good

now. He also loves reading. His favorite

books are novels. He has read novels since

he was 7. But he is not happy now, because

he has lost his favorite novel. He can’t find it


Unit 9

Lesson 1


a. mansion

b. wealthy

c. older

d. driver’s license

e. retired

f. yacht

g. creative

h. credit card


(possible answers)

1. I wish I was older.

2. He wishes he had a mansion.

3. He wishes he was wealthy.

4. He wishes he had a credit card.

5. He wishes he had a driver's license.

6. She wishes she was creative.

7. She wishes she had a yacht.

8. She wishes she was retired.

Lesson 2



1. c

2. Daniel wishes he was older.

3. Tyler wished he had a job.

4. Tyler wishes he was retired.


(answers will vary)

Lesson 3



1. c. she was older

2. b. buy a mansion

3. b. She wouldn’t have homework.



1. d

2. b

3. g

4. e

5. f

6. h

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

7. a

8. c


1. What would you do if you were wealthy?

If I was wealthy, I would donate money to


2. What would you do if you had a credit


If I had a credit card, I would shop


3. What would you do if you were retired?

If I was retired, I would volunteer.

4. What would you do if you had a


If I had a mansion, I would

throw parties.

5. What would you do if you had a driver’s


If I had a driver’s license, I

would offer rides.

6. What would you do if you were creative?

If I was creative, I would paint a mural.

Lesson 4


Q. What is retirement?

A. Retirement is an important part of adult

life when a person makes the decision to

leave his or her career for good.

Q. How do some companies help their

retired employees?

A. Some companies also agree to pay a

certain amount of money to their employees

after they retire.

Q. When should people begin to save for

their retirement?

A. It is important for people to start saving

when they are young and find out how much

they will need in retirement.


1. c

2. b

3. c


When do people


People retire when they

are old.

What are three ways

that people can get

money to spend when

they retire?

People save money

from their paychecks.

Sometimes the

government gives

financial support.

Some companies pay

money to their

employees after they


At what age are

people considered to

be senior citizens in

the USA?

In the USA, people are

officially senior citizens

at age 65.

How much money do

people need to retire?

It depends on their


What are two things

people might do after

they retire?

Some people choose to

travel after they retire.

Other people decide to

join a club or spend

time with their families.

Lesson 5



Kaylie wishes that she was retired like her

grandpa is. If she was retired, she would

visit other countries and learn about

different cultures. Every year, Kaylie visits a

different country with her family. Last year,

she visited Spain. Kaylie also wishes she

had a mansion. If she had a mansion, she

would throw big parties for her friends.

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

Jeremy wishes that he was wealthy. If he

was wealthy, he would donate money to

charity. He would give lots of money to a

charity that helps children with special

needs. Jeremy also wishes he had a

driver’s license. If he had a driver’s license,

he would offer rides to his friends. He would

drive them all around the country.

Review 3


1. yacht

2. lose

3. smash

4. older

5. lend

6. retired

7. spill

8. wash

Secret word: homeless


1. a

2. a

3. b

4. b


1. hold


2. trip


3. are


4. say


5. for


6. will



1. lose

2. carry bags

3. smash

4. mansion

5. creative

6. apartment

7. volunteer

8. fix

9. retired

10. shovel snow


(some answers may vary slightly)

1. How long has she been on a diet? She

has been on a diet since 2010.

2. She said that she didn’t hold bake sales.

3. If she had a credit card, she would shop

online all day.

4. She broke her violin last week.

5. He said that he had washed a car last


7. I wish I was creative.

8. I knocked over a glass last night.

9. He said that he visited elderly people.

11. How long have you helped the

homeless? I have helped the homeless

since 2014.

Hang Out Student Book 6 – Answer Key

Compass Publishing

12. They said that they had shoveled snow


13. If I was retired, I would sail around the


15. They smashed a window yesterday.

16. My dad said that he collected money.

17. If they were wealthy, they would buy a


18. I wish I had a yacht.

19. How long have you known your best

friend? I have known my best friend for 3


21. She said that she had cleaned up

beaches last month.

22. He wishes he had a credit card.

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Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Zalo 0388202311 hoặc Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Bộ đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8 môn Ngữ Văn năm học bao gồm đáp án và bảng ma trận đề thi chi tiết giúp các bạn chuẩn bị tốt cho kì thi cuối học kì 2 sắp tới nói chung và ôn thi kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 môn Ngữ Văn lớp 8 nói riêng. Đồng thời đây cũng là tài liệu cho các thầy cô khi ra đề thi học kì 2 cho các em học sinh. Mời các em học sinh cùng các thầy cô tham khảo chi tiết. Xem trọn bộ Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 văn 8 có đáp án

24 câu trắc nghiệm hỏi giao tiếp .doc

Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Zalo 0388202311 hoặc Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Bộ đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8 môn Ngữ Văn năm học bao gồm đáp án và bảng ma trận đề thi chi tiết giúp các bạn chuẩn bị tốt cho kì thi cuối học kì 2 sắp tới nói chung và ôn thi kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 môn Ngữ Văn lớp 8 nói riêng. Đồng thời đây cũng là tài liệu cho các thầy cô khi ra đề thi học kì 2 cho các em học sinh. Mời các em học sinh cùng các thầy cô tham khảo chi tiết. Xem trọn bộ Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 văn 8 có đáp án

38 câu hỏi giao tiếp .doc

Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Zalo 0388202311 hoặc Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Bộ đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8 môn Ngữ Văn năm học bao gồm đáp án và bảng ma trận đề thi chi tiết giúp các bạn chuẩn bị tốt cho kì thi cuối học kì 2 sắp tới nói chung và ôn thi kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 môn Ngữ Văn lớp 8 nói riêng. Đồng thời đây cũng là tài liệu cho các thầy cô khi ra đề thi học kì 2 cho các em học sinh. Mời các em học sinh cùng các thầy cô tham khảo chi tiết. Xem trọn bộ Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 văn 8 có đáp án

22 câu phát âm.doc

Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Zalo 0388202311 hoặc Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Bộ đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8 môn Ngữ Văn năm học bao gồm đáp án và bảng ma trận đề thi chi tiết giúp các bạn chuẩn bị tốt cho kì thi cuối học kì 2 sắp tới nói chung và ôn thi kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 môn Ngữ Văn lớp 8 nói riêng. Đồng thời đây cũng là tài liệu cho các thầy cô khi ra đề thi học kì 2 cho các em học sinh. Mời các em học sinh cùng các thầy cô tham khảo chi tiết. Xem trọn bộ Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 văn 8 có đáp án

51 câu phát âm các trường không chuyên P1 .doc

Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Zalo 0388202311 hoặc Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Bộ đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8 môn Ngữ Văn năm học bao gồm đáp án và bảng ma trận đề thi chi tiết giúp các bạn chuẩn bị tốt cho kì thi cuối học kì 2 sắp tới nói chung và ôn thi kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 môn Ngữ Văn lớp 8 nói riêng. Đồng thời đây cũng là tài liệu cho các thầy cô khi ra đề thi học kì 2 cho các em học sinh. Mời các em học sinh cùng các thầy cô tham khảo chi tiết. Xem trọn bộ Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 văn 8 có đáp án

40 Câu trắc nghiệm Phát âm.doc

Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Zalo 0388202311 hoặc Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Bộ đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8 môn Ngữ Văn năm học bao gồm đáp án và bảng ma trận đề thi chi tiết giúp các bạn chuẩn bị tốt cho kì thi cuối học kì 2 sắp tới nói chung và ôn thi kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 môn Ngữ Văn lớp 8 nói riêng. Đồng thời đây cũng là tài liệu cho các thầy cô khi ra đề thi học kì 2 cho các em học sinh. Mời các em học sinh cùng các thầy cô tham khảo chi tiết. Xem trọn bộ Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 văn 8 có đáp án

40 câu phát âm.doc

Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Zalo 0388202311 hoặc Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Bộ đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8 môn Ngữ Văn năm học bao gồm đáp án và bảng ma trận đề thi chi tiết giúp các bạn chuẩn bị tốt cho kì thi cuối học kì 2 sắp tới nói chung và ôn thi kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 môn Ngữ Văn lớp 8 nói riêng. Đồng thời đây cũng là tài liệu cho các thầy cô khi ra đề thi học kì 2 cho các em học sinh. Mời các em học sinh cùng các thầy cô tham khảo chi tiết. Xem trọn bộ Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 văn 8 có đáp án

40 câu trắc nghiệm Phát âm - .doc

Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Zalo 0388202311 hoặc Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Bộ đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8 môn Ngữ Văn năm học bao gồm đáp án và bảng ma trận đề thi chi tiết giúp các bạn chuẩn bị tốt cho kì thi cuối học kì 2 sắp tới nói chung và ôn thi kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 môn Ngữ Văn lớp 8 nói riêng. Đồng thời đây cũng là tài liệu cho các thầy cô khi ra đề thi học kì 2 cho các em học sinh. Mời các em học sinh cùng các thầy cô tham khảo chi tiết. Xem trọn bộ Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 văn 8 có đáp án

68 câu trắc nghiệm Câu phát âm.doc

Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Zalo 0388202311 hoặc Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Bộ đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8 môn Ngữ Văn năm học bao gồm đáp án và bảng ma trận đề thi chi tiết giúp các bạn chuẩn bị tốt cho kì thi cuối học kì 2 sắp tới nói chung và ôn thi kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 môn Ngữ Văn lớp 8 nói riêng. Đồng thời đây cũng là tài liệu cho các thầy cô khi ra đề thi học kì 2 cho các em học sinh. Mời các em học sinh cùng các thầy cô tham khảo chi tiết. Xem trọn bộ Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 văn 8 có đáp án

40 câu phát âm .doc

Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Zalo 0388202311 hoặc Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Để tải trọn bộ chỉ với 50k hoặc 250K để tải không giới hạn kho tài liệu trên web và drive, vui lòng liên hệ Liên hệ CLB_HSG_Hà Nội.Bộ đề thi học kì 2 lớp 8 môn Ngữ Văn năm học bao gồm đáp án và bảng ma trận đề thi chi tiết giúp các bạn chuẩn bị tốt cho kì thi cuối học kì 2 sắp tới nói chung và ôn thi kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 môn Ngữ Văn lớp 8 nói riêng. Đồng thời đây cũng là tài liệu cho các thầy cô khi ra đề thi học kì 2 cho các em học sinh. Mời các em học sinh cùng các thầy cô tham khảo chi tiết. Xem trọn bộ Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 văn 8 có đáp án

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