- Don’t act fast, you might make a mistake. HASTE
- She could not answer the merchants in their own language. ABLE
- We were asking ourselves if they were really there. WONDERING
- Don’t you think we should ask the price? HAD BETTER
- We can’t buy the house because the down payment is so high. SO … THAT
- She is not a young woman which is not important because her
admirers find her ageless. NO MATTER
7. It is really difficult to control the increase of vandalism. RISING TIDE
8. Vandals are often youngsters who have done poorly in school and
want to take revenge on the administration and the teachers of the
schools. GET EVEN
9. The vandals spoil the appearance of the walls and break the
windows. DEFACE
10. I think I should take a coat. HAD BETTER
11. Paul won’t try because he’s afraid of failing. SO … THAT
12. They were successful in their affairs for a time. DID WELL
13. It is not important who you are because you are expected to
obey the law. NO MATTER
14. He feels stupid by comparison because his brothers are very
bright. SUCH
15. When the great leader died and they were left on their own, they
began to lose their conquests. IN CHARGE OF
16. The scientists said that Voyager would reach Jupiter in March,
and it did. Giaoandethitienga
17. She did it because she was kind. OUT OF
18. Your brother is young, but he has enough experience for the job. DESPITE
19. Everything was covered with gold paint except two very small
holes. WITH THE …
20. Washington’s example strengthened his soldiers’determination. STRONGER
21. That noise is making people deaf. DEAFENING
22. People ask questions either because they are curious or bored. OUT OF
23. My friends are proud of their sons, but they don’t talk about
them. IN SPITE
24. Only a mother buffalo finds baby buffalos pretty. IT TAKES …
25. It is impossible to please everybody. THERE IS …
26. The offenders are determined to do better. BENT ON
27. Peter has been arrested twice for careless driving. He has
decided to be more careful. HAVING
28. Even if you are noticed, your eagerness will be helpful to you. YOUR FAVOUR
29. Be certain that your clothes are clean and well pressed. MAKE SURE
30. Joan tried to explain her ideas, but she could not convince her
father. DESPITE
31. The judge listened to their story in silence. He decided to give
them a lecture. THE JUDGE WHO
32. There’s a teacher’s meeting tomorrow; several classes are
cancelled. DUE TO
33. The boys promised to behave in the future. They were allowed
to go home. ONCE
34. The director has a good opinion of people who are early. VERY HIGHLY
35. The boys had nothing to do that evening. They thought it would
be fun to smash some windows. SINCE
36. The meeting will take place in his office. IS
37. Until now women’s vote has not made much difference. SO FAR,
38. He smoked a cigarette. At the same time he waited for the
manager. WHILE
39. Employers prefer to hire younger people. That’s the truth. THE FACT
40. They can make a mistake if they don’t know the people’s
origins. AWARE
41. Sometimes, manners are related to national customs. A MATTER OF
42. He said that his shyness prevented him from behaving well
in society. KEPT
43. He shaved his beard to please his wife. SHAVING
44. George always helped his father in the store. A HAND
45. Do you ever think that geology is a very interesting field? OCCUR
46. Perhaps I can persuade you to study. TALK … INTO
47. How can I compensate for my mistake? MAKE UP
48. We felt like going out last night. MOOD
49. That book deserves to be read. WORTH
50. Supposedly, oil can be extracted from a rock called shale. THEORY
51. The operation is far from simple. NOT AT ALL
52. Most people are impressed and afraid of nuclear energy. AWE
53. He only went to the concert because Mary wanted him to. PLEASE
54. Your contract says that you are to be here by nine every day. UNDER
55. He looks exactly like his father. IMAGE
56. His arrival was completely unexpected. TOOK
57. I’ll be unable to keep my appointment with Mr Marshall. CANCEL
58. If I’d been Jane, I wouldn’t have told Andrew about the car
accident. PLACE
59. The stories James tells about his war experiences are quite
incredible. BEYOND
60. It’s no use asking Mrs. Carrouthers to sing at the concert,
she’s going away. THERE’S
61. We shouldn’t consider the other theories. WORTH
62. I knew he was our man the moment I saw him. SET EYES
63. My brother speaks French well. COMMAND
64. The flags were sold to help the blind. AID
65. Let me know as soon as you have any news. THE MINUTE
66. I advise you not to believe what you read in the papers
about me. RELY
67. We missed the bus because we had overslept. CONSEQUENCE
68. They continued to suggest that I was lying. PERSISTED
69. Both children and adults will enjoy this game. ALIKE
70. Tax contributes to the cost of local services. PAID
71. The milkman appears to be running away from your fierce dog. AS IF / THOUGH
72. I find his clothes the most irritating thing about him. WHAT
73. The discovery of how to light fires gave man a new control over
his environment. ABLE
74. However friendly he seems, he’s not to be trusted. THOUGH
75. The suitcase was extremely heavy but he managed to lift it. DESPITE
76. This must be true so we should inform the President. IF
77. He will come. It is in his own interest. BOUND
78. Although I was told that I would be unhappy I married him. IN SPITE
79. Mr Smith won’t attend the meeting. UNDER
80. Although they are poor they can afford beer. THOUGH
81. She answered the policeman’s questions as accurately as she
82. Romantic love must be present, or the marriage will seem
insincere. OTHERWISE
83. What I like about him is his honesty. MORE THAN
84. We were late because we missed the train. THROUGH
85. She said I was a liar. ACCUSED
86. To be fair to him, I don’t think he really meant to deceive you. JUSTICE
87. The cook is brilliant but knows nothing about French sauces. AS / THOUGH
88. A mistake of this kind could cause the wrong person to be
89. The company may well make a profit next year. SURPRISING
90. I seldom go to pop concerts. ONLY ON …
91. This matter is too serious to be dealt with hurriedly. A MATTER
92. Don’t repeat this to anyone, but Jones has been sacked. LET
93. How do you feel about capital punishment? WHAT ARE …
94. I can’t believe the Prime Minister really means to resign. I FIND …
95. My knowledge of medieval art is very limited. I DON’T …
96. It is impossible to prove that Louis was in the flat on the night
of the murder. EVIDENCE
97. The value of this Spanish coin is about 200 pounds. WORTH
98. The raising of the school-leaving age has resulted in unforeseen
difficulties. ARISING
99. Do you agree with the Council’s plans to widen the High Street? AGREEMENT
100. As these are your conditions, I have no choice but to abide
by them. BEING
101. It’s curious that he didn’t mention it to me. ENOUGH
102. We had not expected that we should encounter so much difficulty
in finding the place. UNEXPECTEDLY
103. Although Samson was very strong, he perished at the hands
of his enemies. FOR
104. That she was a duchess made a great impact on the boy’s
family. HER
105. The problem was tricky enough to challenge the minds of the
best scientists. SO
106. Whatever your opinion on vivisection, you must admit that it
helps to save human lives. HOWEVER
107. People who cannot bear with a little inconvenience
should never enter the state of matrimony. SUCH
108. If anybody broke into the house, the alarm would go off
automatically. ANYBODY WHO…
109. It’s time for the commission to reach an agreement. REACHED
110. There must be few people so ignorant of the past as he is. WHO
111. Hardly anybody failed to attend the meeting. THE MEETING …
112. He had never before addressed such a large crowd. THE CROWD …
113. I shall consider this matter seriously. I SHALL GIVE …
114. Few people would agree with you. THERE AREN’T …
115. He threatened to resign if they did not give him a rise. HE WARNED …
116. It was only after I had read the last sentence that I realized
how important the letter was. NOT UNTIL …
117. I wrote the announcement in large black letters because
I wanted everyone to notice it. SO
118. Your arguments have had very little influence on him. HE IS FAR FROM …
119. He did not start speaking until the whole class was
attending to him. HE WAITED …
120. I followed the doctors’s orders exactly. I DID
121. She had two candles ready on the table as there might be
a power cut. LEST
122. His rapid recovery was due to silled medical attention. AS A RESULT …
123. This door may be used only in an emergency. ONLY …
124. He has been speaking for three hours. IT IS …
125. My anxiety was quite unnecessary. UNNECESSARILY
126. He had complete confidence in his ability to deal with
the matter. SURE
127. He completed the novel only after five years. IT TOOK …
128. The explorers meant to follow the river to its source. AIM
129. My cat and my dog are on very friendly terms. GET
130. It looked like rain. AS Giaoan dethitie
131. It’s getting late. We ought to go home. HIGH TIME
132. The fortune-teller’s warning impressed the emperor far
more than anyone would have expected. IMPRESSION
133. Some problems are inevitable if you go to live in another
country. BOUND
134. Whether he is worshipped or despised is all the same to me. DIFFERENCE
135. The police have told Bert that they believe it was he who
stole the car. CHARGED
136. At last I slipped a five-pound note into his hand and it was
only then that he gave me the information. NOT UNTIL …
137. He has had to give up his legal practice because he is
so often ill. REASON
138. Speaking personally, I could stay here for ever. AS FAR AS …
139. For a moment she thought he was her long-lost husband. MISTOOK
140. I don’t see why we must start so early. POINT
141. Washing in cold water is nothing unusual for him. USED
142. He asked me if I thought it would be a good thing to buy
the second hand car. WORTH
143. The bell in the corridor should be rung if there is a fire. CASE
144. He next said that there were, of course, exceptions. WENT ON