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Giải bài tập SGK Tiếng Anh 12:
Unit 2: Cultural Diversity
Reading - Unit 2 lớp 12 trang 20 21 22 SGK tiếng Anh 12
Before you read
Work in pairs. Discuss the question: Which of the following factors is the most
important for a happy life? Why?
love - money - parents'approval
a nice house / flat - a good job - good health
A. Which of the above factors is the most important for a happy life?
B. In my opinion, love, good health and a good job are the most important For a happy
A. Why?
B. As we know, love, especially the true love, is an essential factor for a marriage life.
Someone compares love with light or water to life. Indeed, with love we can suffer the
hardship, sufferings or misfortunes of life. And there's an important aspect of love:
forgiveness. We can say love and forgiveness arc two inseparable qualities.
A. What about good health? Is it also indispensable too?
B. Sure. Imagine! Can you work or live a happy life if you are in ill health?
A. Absolutely no.
B. And a good job can provide you with money enough for your life and your family,
because money is a means (if comfort.
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