Lesson 1
No | Words | Class | Transcription | Meaning |
1 | flour | (n) | /ˈflaʊər/ | bột (mì, ngũ cốc) |
2 | gram | (n) | /græm/ | gam |
3 | lemon | (n) | /ˈlɛmən/ | quả chanh |
4 | milliliter | (n) | /ˈmɪləˌlitər/ | mi-li-lít |
5 | onion | (n) | /ˈʌnjən/ | củ hành |
6 | spaghetti | (n) | /spəˈgɛti/ | mì ống |
7 | tablespoon | (n) | /ˈteɪbəlˌspun/ | thìa (muỗng) canh thìa |
8 | teaspoon | (n) | /ˈtiˌspun/ | (muỗng) cà phê |
9 | tomato | (n) | /təˈmeɪˌtoʊ/ | cà chua |
Lesson 2
No | Words | Class | Transcription | Meaning |
10 | bag | (n) | /bæg/ | túi, giỏ |
11 | bottle | (n) | /ˈbɑtəl/ | chai, lọ |
12 | box | (n) | /bɑks/ | hộp, thùng |
13 | bunch | (n) | /bʌnʧ/ | bó, buồng, chùm |
14 | can | (n) | /kæn/ | lon, lọ |
15 | carton | (n) | /ˈkɑrtən/ | hộp bằng bìa cứng |
16 | container | (n) | /kənˈteɪnər/ | vật chứa |
17 | groceries | (n) | /ˈgroʊsəriz/ | thực phẩm và đồ dùng gia đình |
18 | stick | (n) | /stɪk/ | thanh, thỏi (kẹo, sô cô la) |
Lesson 3
No | Words | Class | Transcription | Meaning |
19 | barbecue | (n) | /ˈbɑrbɪˌkju/ | vỉ nướng, buổi nướng |
20 | chef | (n) | /ʃɛf/ | đầu bếp |
21 | crunchy | (a) | /ˈkrʌnʧi/ | giòn |
22 | grill | (v) | /grɪl/ | nướng |
23 | taste | (v) | /teɪst/ | có vị |
24 | tasty | (a) | /ˈteɪsti/ | ngon |
25 | worm | (n) | /wɜrm/ | con sâu |
I. Much and many
Much: We can use much for uncountable nouns (things you can’t count, like milk and sugar…)
How much milk do you need?
How much sugar do you want?
How much water do you drink?
We need much milk for the child now.
We don’t have much cold water left in the fridge.
Many: We can use many for countable plural nouns (things you can count, like eggs and tomatoes…)
How many eggs do you need?
How many tomatoes do we want?
How many bananas do you eat?
She has many apples in her basket.
We don’t have many eggs left in the fridge.
II. Indefinite and definite articles
We use a/ an with singular nouns when we talk about something for the first time.
After that we use the.
We use an before nouns beginning with the vowel letters: a, e, i, o, u.
My mother bought a bag of rice. She put the bag of rice in the bucket.
I ate an apple. The apple was so sweet.
Lesson 1
I. Look at the words in the box and write the suitable word for each picture. (Vocabulary)
spaghetti milliliters lemon chopsticks tablespoon grams onions teaspoon tomato |